Stephanie Hankinson
- Pronouns:
- She/Her
- Dept:
- Title:
- FTF - English
- Campus:
- South Seattle College
- Office:
- RSB 162
- Phone:
- 206/934-7964
- Hours:
- Winter 2025: T/Th 1:30-3pm or by appointment only
- Course Title: English Composition I
- Subject: ENGL&
- Catalog #: 101
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Location: ARR
- Section: C01
- Class#: 36438
- Course Title: Intercultural Communication
- Subject: HUM
- Catalog #: 105
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: SS - Online (SSONL)
- Room:
- Section: 75
- Class#: 36570
- Course Title: Introduction To World Theater
- Subject: DRMA
- Catalog #: 105
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: SS - Online (SSONL)
- Room:
- Section: 75
- Class#: 36419
- Course Title: Supporting College Writing
- Subject: ENGL
- Catalog #: 99
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: TTH
- Start Time: 10:45 AM
- End Time: 12:45 PM
- Building: SS - Auto Technology (SSAUT)
- Room: 0204
- Section: C01
- Class#: 36435
- Course Title: Composition Ii
- Subject: ENGL&
- Catalog #: 102
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: TTH
- Start Time: 10:45 AM
- End Time: 11:50 AM
- Building: SS - Olympic Hall (SSOLY)
- Room: 0100
- Section: 02
- Class#: 39626
- Course Title: Intercultural Communication
- Subject: HUM
- Catalog #: 105
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: TTH
- Start Time: 12:00 PM
- End Time: 01:05 PM
- Building: SS - Olympic Hall (SSOLY)
- Room: 0103
- Section: 01
- Class#: 36323
- Course Title: Intercultural Communication
- Subject: HUM
- Catalog #: 105
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: SS - Online (SSONL)
- Room:
- Section: 75
- Class#: 36324
- Course Title: 20/21St Century U.s. Theater & Race
- Subject: DRMA
- Catalog #: 125
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: SS - Online (SSONL)
- Room:
- Section: 75
- Class#: 36268
- Course Title: World Cinema
- Subject: HUM
- Catalog #: 130
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: SS - Online (SSONL)
- Room:
- Section: 75
- Class#: 36326
Personal Statement
Student/Office Hours Winter 2025:
- Winter office hours are T/Th 1:30-3pm and by appointment appointment
Note: student office hours are available in person in RSB 162 or via Zoom. Please email me to arrange Zoom meeting times.
Arts Faculty Coordinator and Program Review Office Hours Winter 2025:
- by appointment -- please email if you need to arrange a meeting.
While teaching, creating, and project managing I seek to connect people and build welcoming spaces for learning and personal growth. Above all else, I am dedicated to fostering community and expanding capacities to create social, cultural, and political equity.
I've been teaching Humanities, Drama, and English at South Seattle College since 2016 and now serve as tenured faculty. I teach a wide range of courses on global/US film, environmental humanities, intercultural communication, performance studies, interdisciplinary humanities, as well as the full suite of English composition courses (from developmental English courses through research methods). My favorite part about teaching at South is working one-on-one with our students to develop a sense of agency and ownership of intercultural communication practices, research/writing interests, and critical thinking patterns.
My primary areas of expertise are the imagination of natural disaster in 20th-century cultural productions of the American South and Caribbean, comparative black diaspora studies, and environmental aesthetics. In addition to my teaching at South I recently finished my dissertation: The Aesthetics of Catastrophe Time: Constructing Transhistorical and Artistic Archives of Disaster in Haiti and the Gulf Coast. If you are interested in discussing teaching, publication, or presentations related to my work please feel free to reach out:
I am a founding member and contributing author to the performance critique collective: DeConstruct, DeConstruct is dedicated to intersectional analysis and peer-review of cross-disciplinary performance to foster increased equity in the arts in the Puget Sound region. I am also serving as a member of the UW Simpson Center for the Humanities Community College Advisory Board. I am the former Managing Editor and co-founder of Process: Journal of Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Scholarship.
Degrees & Certificates
PhD in Literature & Culture, University of Washington, 2023; MA in English (Literature), California State University, Sacramento, 2012; Certificate in TESOL California State University, Sacramento, 2011; BA in Film Studies & English, University of California, Davis, 2009; AA in English from Bakersfield College, 2007.