Hello World!
Here are few things I'm working for South Seattle College (SSC) in preparation for fall quarter:
This fall quarter your TLC is providing its annual new and returning faculty orientation. Typically, we share and review our Faculty Guide together as it inspires great QnA's and this year we're revising its information as we migrate our support center from Desk to Service Cloud (both within SalesForce) -- and if you have the time, we'd appreciate your feedback and recommendations for our faculty guide and anything else we manage!
SSC DIVISION/PROGRAM MEETINGS (Visit from Sara and/or Pamela)
Would you like at 10 minute visit from us for your start of quarter program or division meeting? Please email Pamela and me to let us know what you'd like us to cover as well as the date and the time of your start of quarter meeting.
Pamela and I are currently updating our respective instructional support and services websites to reflect changes coming for fall -- along with our student and employee Canvas support information. We're also updating our http://southseattle.info support center, its knowledge base and expanding our chat times of availability as we migrate it from SaleForce's Desk application over to their new Service Cloud system.
This fall the following TLC Associates will be posting their skills and availability to schedule faculty & employee support:
- Pamela Wilkins
- Jill McDonough
- Olga Szemetylo
- Doug Rupik
PEOPLE (Seattle Colleges Employees)
The TLC team will be training/supporting our employees adoption of this optional tool, https://people.seattlecolleges.edu/. Here's an example of what it can provide https://people.seattlecolleges.edu/users/sara.newman. IMPORTANT NOTE: In case anyone asks, SSC, NSC and SCC's Google Suite for Education (GS4E) accounts are NOT going away. Students and faculty across our district have been using GS4E since 2007 and we're happy to continue providing its services (accounts, unlimited drive space and tools) to our college community.
Pamela and I expect to have our annual SSC Instructional Support and Services: Fall Newsletter emailed to all by or before Sept 18th. In it we will be sharing the above and much more!
Can't believe I'm now in my 20th year of teaching web development for Seattle Central (with the occasional gigs for South and North as well). Our District's Faculty Summer Institute's theme was TILT this year and for summer quarter I updated my curriculum with TILT concepts demonstrated. Even after 20 years of teaching and instructional design, there are new ways to improve how I teach and assess its impact. It's very hard to find the time and energy to retool my constantly changing curriculum but ultimately the efforts always improve my students experience and a my time overall.
Please let me know if you'd like to learn about TILT https://tilthighered.com/tiltexamplesandresources -- or any of the instructional services I manage for South: Canvas, LinkedIn Learning, Google Suite for Education, Panopto, and Zoom Pro!
As always, I am available to schedule online meetings with colleagues as needed, via my SSC Zoom Pro room, https://zoom.us/my/sara.newman
Wishing us all restorative weeks before our fall quarter begins!
Sara :)