Melissa Grinley

Arts, Humanities & Social Sci
FTF - Psychology
North Seattle College
IB 2417B
By appointment


No classes were found this quarter.
  • Course Title: General Psychology
  • Subject: PSYC&
  • Catalog #: 100
  • Credits: 5
  • Class Day: MWF
  • Start Time: 11:00 AM
  • End Time: 12:25 PM
  • Building: College Center (NS0CC)
  • Room: 3452
  • Section: 04
  • Class#: 26963
  • Course Title: General Psychology
  • Subject: PSYC&
  • Catalog #: 100
  • Credits: 5
  • Class Day: TTH
  • Start Time: 10:00 AM
  • End Time: 12:50 PM
  • Building: To Be Arranged (NSTBA)
  • Room: 0TBA
  • Section: CH2
  • Class#: 27234
  • Course Title: Integrated Studies
  • Subject: INTS
  • Catalog #: 100
  • Credits: 10
  • Class Day: TTH
  • Start Time: 10:00 AM
  • End Time: 12:50 PM
  • Building: College Center (NS0CC)
  • Room: 2153
  • Section: CH2
  • Class#: 27150

Personal Statement

Welcome to my "People Page"! I have been teaching Psychology courses here at NSC since 2005, and think the world of this school and my students!

My background: I was born in New England and lived there until I was 12, then lived in Santa Cruz, CA until I was 18. I went to the University of California, Davis, where I majored in Psychology and Dramatic Art. I moved to Seattle in 1998 and later attended the University of Washington, where I received my M.S. in Cognitive Psychology in 2002. When I was in grad school I specialized in the study of memory, and specifically in the creation of false memories due to suggestion. I taught at Seattle University for a few years before settling in as a full time instructor at NSCC in Fall, 2005. The courses I teach include General Psych, Lifespan Psych, Social Psych, Research Methods, and the Psychology of Gender.  I also teach several courses in the Integrated studies program.   I am married to a wonderful guy named Matt, and we have two children: Julia (13) and Louis (9). I love to camp, knit, and read when I have time to myself.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have about my classes or the Psychology Department.

I'm also the chair of the Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee (CAS). You can visit our website here: