Julian Barr
- Pronouns:
- He/Him
- Dept:
- Title:
- Campus:
- South Seattle College
- Office:
- RSB 158
- Phone:
- 206/934-6405
- Hours:
- Tuesday 9:00-11:00
- Course Title: Composition Ii
- Subject: ENGL&
- Catalog #: 102
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: MW
- Start Time: 09:30 AM
- End Time: 10:35 AM
- Building: SS - Olympic Hall (SSOLY)
- Room: 0101
- Section: 04
- Class#: 36525
- Course Title: Diversity And Social Justice
- Subject: AME
- Catalog #: 201
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: SS - Online (SSONL)
- Room:
- Section: 75
- Class#: 36210
- Course Title: Introduction To Gender & Women Studies
- Subject: WMN
- Catalog #: 200
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: SS - Online (SSONL)
- Room:
- Section: 75
- Class#: 36556
Personal Statement
Get to Know Me
Hey, I am Julian Barr (He/Him/His), fulltime faculty in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, and was formerly for two years South’s Instructional Designer. I am also currently serving as the chair of the College Council. I am ABD in Geography studying the historical geographies of lesbian and queer women in Seattle from 1930-1970 at the UW and do public scholarship work about the queer history of Pioneer Square, which includes a walking tour. I have been published on the representations of masculinity in popular culture and currently working on a paper on masculinity and friendship on television. In my free time, I love watching/reading anything in the horror/thriller genre, geocaching, and baking.
What to Expect in our Class
My Teaching Style
How I teach can be summed up by Paulo Freire, who said “There’s no such thing as neutral education. Education either functions as an instrument to bring about conformity or freedom.” Education should bring out the creativity and best in all students and instructors can do that through flexibility, dialogue, and seeing education as an exchange rather then top-down. My teaching philosophy is informed by an anti-racist critical pedagogy approach that highlights the struggles, and includes the voices, of the oppressed. Critical pedagogy acknowledges that language and knowledge production is diverse and that we cannot privilege Eurocentric perspectives, which can be oppressive to students, especially those students learning English, students with disabilities, students of color, and students whose prior education was limited. I aim to be a co-learner with all students, and we are here to listen to your uncertainties around learning and help you establish realistic goals for individual success.
My Expectations
Following my teaching philosophy, my expectations are to provide students content and direction, with the expectation that flexibility is essential to meet individual students. Courses are structured with die dates and certain goals to be met, but whenever due dates cannot be met, they can be adjusted. I also use an ungrading labor based policy that evaluates students based on the labor and effort put into the course rather then the quality of the work like traditional grading. Course projects most likely will involve the use of some digital technology, either mapping or podcasting.
Upcoming Courses (Click Here)
My Work in the Community
Public Scholarship
Pioneer Square and the Making of Queer Seattle: Digital Map and Walking Tour
A Peoples’ Landscape: Racism and Resistance at UW: Digital Map
Barr, Julian, David J. Roberts, and Edgar Sandoval. 2019. “There are different ways of being strong: Steven Universe and Developing a Caring Superhero Masculinity.” In Superheroes and Masculinity Unmasking the Gender Performance of Heroism. Lanham, MD: Lexington Press
Barr, Julian and Lydia Hou. 2016. “’Nobody Calls Me Chicken:’ The Multiple Masculinities of Back to the Future.” Journal of Popular Film and Television 44.4: 184-194.
Barr, Julian. 2012. “To Love and To Cherish: Marital Violence and Divorce in Nineteenth-century America.” The Confluence 4.1 (Fall/Winter): 48-59.
My Credentials
PhD (ABD-All But Dissertation), Geography, University of Washington Seattle
Master of Science, Geography, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Bachelor of Arts, History, Lindenwood University