Students in lecture hall at Seattle Colleges
Submitted by Jill.McDonough… on Mon, 03/09/2020 - 11:09

Hello ESL Level 2 Students,

Winter Quarter 2021

I will mail some information and homework to your home address. Please check that your address and email are correct!! 

The class will use Talking Points for texting, Zoom for classes, and Canvas for assignments.  

I will text Zoom meeting information to you on TalkingPoints. Zoom video recordings will be in Canvas.  

Practice one of these sites every day:

Stay healthy,

Jill McDonough, M.Ed.

FT Instructor / TLC Coordinator
Transitional Studies


Please note:
South Seattle College has moved to remote operations until further notice pending evolving Washington state executive orders in response to COVID-19. Students should avoid the West Seattle, Georgetown and New Holly campuses during this time. For the latest information and updates, please visit  To connect with Student Services, please visit the following links: Current Students or New And Prospective Students.