Gregory November
- Dept:
- Arts, Humanities & Social Sci
- Title:
- Part Time Faculty (PHL)
- Campus:
- North Seattle College
- Mailstop:
- 3NC2312
- Phone:
- 206/592-4161
- Course Title: Introduction To American Film
- Subject: HUM
- Catalog #: 110
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: MW
- Start Time: 11:00 AM
- End Time: 12:30 PM
- Building: Library Building (NS0LB)
- Room: 1101
- Section: H4
- Class#: 29931
- Course Title: Technical Writing
- Subject: ENGL&
- Catalog #: 235
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: Online (NSONL)
- Room:
- Section: D1
- Class#: 29927
- Course Title: Creative Writing
- Subject: ENGL
- Catalog #: 151
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: F
- Start Time: 11:00 AM
- End Time: 12:50 PM
- Building: Library Building (NS0LB)
- Room: 1102
- Section: H4
- Class#: 30949
- Course Title: Creative Writing
- Subject: ENGL
- Catalog #: 152
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: F
- Start Time: 11:00 AM
- End Time: 12:50 PM
- Building: Library Building (NS0LB)
- Room: 1102
- Section: H4
- Class#: 30951
- Course Title: Creative Writing
- Subject: ENGL
- Catalog #: 153
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: F
- Start Time: 11:00 AM
- End Time: 12:50 PM
- Building: Library Building (NS0LB)
- Room: 1102
- Section: H4
- Class#: 30954
- Course Title: Introduction To American Film
- Subject: HUM
- Catalog #: 110
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: Online (NSONL)
- Room:
- Section: D1
- Class#: 30977
Personal Statement
I am originally from Philadelphia, PA but grew up also in New York and Connecticut. I am a northeasterner. In 2005 I moved to California. There, among other things, I earned an MFA in fiction from the University of California, Irvine and taught both fiction and composition classes. In 2010 I moved to Seattle and have been teaching at North Seattle College since that point.
I teach Technical Writing, Creative Writing, and English Composition (both 101 and 102), as well as a HUM class (Introduction to American Film). Currently I teach mostly online, hybrid, and evening courses--although I have also taught during the day.
My ENGL&101 class uses Samuel Cohen's anthology "50 Essays" as its central text. For my daily and evening classes, there are no other texts to purchase. My online and hybrid classes also use John Trimble's book "Writing With Style." In all versions of the class, we read approximately 15 essays ranging in length from 3 pages to 12 pages. We write a lot.
My ENGL&102 classes currently have a theme of Outlaws & Outcasts. We read three full books during the quarter: Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein," Denis Johnson's collection of short stories "Jesus' Son," and Dave Eggers' non-fiction account "Zeitoun." As well, we examine a number of shorter texts (stories, articles, poems, even a song) which I provide through Canvas. We write a lot in this class, too.
My creative writing classes address three genres: short fiction, poetry, and stage drama. Primarily, we examine the elements of craft pertaining to each of these genres and uncover how to create effective, stylish stories, poems, and plays. Oh yeah, and we write a lot!
My Technical Writing class focuses on writing for the work place (rather than for school). We write technical instructions, memos, proposals, a resume and a cover letter, and a more formal technical report.
In the film class, we watch 12-15 movies (1 or 2 per week) and learn how to both discuss them analytically and place them within a historical context. We explore several genres, learn some key terminology, and do weekly writing assignments.
I hope to see you on board in one or more of these classes!
Degrees & Certificates