Laurie Bauman
- Dept:
- Math & Science
- Title:
- Part Time Faculty (PHL)
- Campus:
- North Seattle College
- Office:
- HS2640B (access through HS2639A)
- Mailstop:
- 3NC2429
- Phone:
- 206/934-0067
- Hours:
- By Appointment
- Course Title: Majors Animal
- Subject: BIOL&
- Catalog #: 212
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: M
- Start Time: 02:00 PM
- End Time: 03:50 PM
- Building: Arts & Science (NS0AS)
- Room: 1617
- Section: H07
- Class#: 27324
- Course Title: Majors Animal
- Subject: BIOL&
- Catalog #: 212
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: W
- Start Time: 02:00 PM
- End Time: 03:50 PM
- Building: Arts & Science (NS0AS)
- Room: 1617
- Section: H07L
- Class#: 27325
- Course Title: Survey Of Environmental Science
- Subject: ENVS&
- Catalog #: 100
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: Online (NSONL)
- Room:
- Section: D01
- Class#: 27451
- Course Title: Dinosaurs
- Subject: GEOL
- Catalog #: 106
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: Online (NSONL)
- Room:
- Section: D01
- Class#: 25831
- Course Title: Survey Of Environmental Science
- Subject: ENVS&
- Catalog #: 100
- Credits: 5
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: Online (NSONL)
- Room: NO SCHD MT
- Section: D01
- Class#: 25829
- Course Title: Zoo Science Field Trip
- Subject: SCI
- Catalog #: 122
- Credits: 1
- Class Day: W
- Start Time: 06:00 PM
- End Time: 09:00 PM
- Building: Arts & Science (NS0AS)
- Room: 1617
- Section: 08
- Class#: 34187
- Course Title: Zoo Science Field Trip
- Subject: SCI
- Catalog #: 122
- Credits: 1
- Class Day: ARR
- Start Time: ARR
- End Time: ARR
- Building: Arranged Location (NSARR)
- Room: 0ARR
- Section: 08L
- Class#: 34188
Personal Statement
Classes I teach at NSC Include:
- BIOL 100- Survey of Biology
- BIOL 125- Biology of the Pacific Northwest Online
- BIOL 160- General Biology with Lab
- BIOL 211- Major's Cell Biology
- BIOL 212- Major's Animal Biology
- BIOL 213- Major's Plant Biology & Ecology
- GEOL 106- Dinosaurs Online (every winter quarter)
- ENVS 100- Survey of Environmental Science Online
- ENVS 101- Introduction to Environmental Science with Lab
- SCI 112- Seashore Life
- SCI 116- Edible Plants
- SCI 122- Zoo Science (every Winter quarter)